Do you have clutters in your house? closets? work room? I thought so! I believe we all have clutters to sort-out or tidy-up in our homes or work place, that is waiting to be sorted out or tidied up. The clutters are just there waiting for us to give it some time or to sit down and plan a "de-cluttering goal!"
Yes, it is a goal, as most of us just have the tendency to say it can wait or I'll do it later (procrastination) - we all are guilty of this. No matter how organise a person is, he/she has clutter to sort-out. As the days, weeks, months or years passed by we added more clutters to our homes, closets or work place.
I was "de-cluttering" my place the other day. I usually do it twice a year. First quarter of the year and third quarter of the year. But I haven't done any of "de-cluttering" - I was hoping to do it early this year but was not able to do so - in short, I procrastinated!
As I was going through my closets and work place, I realised that I had so much "clutters" that needed sorting out, so I did! I was going through all of my "clutters" and I realised that more of the "clutters" that was in the closets are just junk and was just taking so much space in my closets, that made it full and just muddled with stuff!
Spent hours doing some sorting and tidying up and guess what? yes, you are right - half of the stuff that was in my closets are just "junk clutters" that needed to be thrown out! Papers, documents, old clothes, etc., that is been sitting there and taking so much space that can be thrown-out and free-up some space and get the closets more organise if I have given it some time to "de-cluttered" early on instead of procrastinating.
As I was "de-cluttering" my closets and work place, my mind went into comparing our hearts and thoughts to our homes or closets. In the same way that we gathered or accumulated "clutters" into our homes/closets - we do accumulated "cluttters" as well into our hearts/thoughts everyday.
Most of us (if not all) has too much "junk clutters" in our hearts/thoughts, that we've been carrying for ages that instead of "de-cluttering" our hearts/thoughts with pain, hurts, bitterness, pride, immorality, etc. - we keep on dumping more of these negative emotions into our muddled hearts and later on we find it hard to carry-on with life.
Then life became too heavy with burdens, things started to look bleak, hopeless, unhappy, and later on depression and discouragement started to sit-in and leads to isolation and hating life and everything around us. It's 'coz of the "junk clutters" that we are carrying in our hearts/thoughts that we wouldn't let go of, or keep holding on, life later on became meaningless.
I believe that, if we regularly take some time do some "de-cluttering" of our hearts/thoughts then we will find out that life is beautiful and we will have lots of room to learn and experience new things, happiness, joy, relationships, etc. - and may also find out that, life can be a source of life itself, if we only do a regular "de-cluttering" that gives freedom, lighten the burdens, gives new space for experiences, relationships, and other things that we will enjoy.
Right now, I am happy and enjoying the space that I freed from all the "junk clutters" that I have thrown out and was able to organised my closets and work place well. I am happy whenever I open my closets and I see how organise and neatly piled up everything are inside! It gives me a feeling of joy and fulfilment.
I have peace and can think more clearly and I am more productive when everything is in order and organised around me - it does have that effect on me or my thinking!:)
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